
Monday, August 11, 2014


We are exhausted but thrilled!
With the help of many, many friends, family, and church members, our yard sale is done!
And the results were amazing!

FOUR families came to our yard sale and shared that they too had experience with adoption.  
What a blessing and honor to meet these families and hear their stories.
 Some traveled over 45 minutes on a rainy Saturday to come to our sale, 
introduce themselves and even make a donation!

Speaking of rain... it rained!  
A Lot!
But God provided!  
We had over 9 tent canopies loaned to use, and we literally set up a "tent city". 
Volunteers came Friday to set up and prayed specifically for God 
to be in control of the rain, the sale and all that came from it!  

Saturday morning started for us at 5:30am in steady rain.  
I have to admit, my own heart was downcast. 
 It was dark, gloomy, wet and very EARLY.  
Yet God reveals His character when He provides for our needs. 
Dear friends, a husband and wife, appeared on our doorstep at 5:30am 
with smiles on their faces and hands ready to help!  
The wife burst into song, "This is the Day That the Lord has Made!
 True. So very true.

And after that... 
more volunteers came...
 things got busy...
 the rain slowed down...
 people appeared...
 stuff disappeared...
sales rolled in...
 and it was over.  

Clean up took a team of 4-8 people 
and about 3-4 hours 
which included 2 cars to Goodwill, 
bins packed with stuff for the next sale, 
and donation boxes made for a clothing drive through our church. 

So here are the totals:
SALES: $2100 +

TOTAL: $3300+

AMAZING!  Thank you for all of your support, donations, prayers, advertising, time, effort, and kindness.  We are one step closer!

 Tents set up the day before the sale

 Amazing bargains to be found!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

EPIC YARD SALE PICTURES and shameless plug...

This is Shameless Promotion... I know...

Here are some pictures of the amazing things that have been donated.  
Come on Saturday and check out the treasures to be found!  
Great prices, friendly people and awesome cause.  
Also, Starbucks coffee for sale, lemonade and home made goodies... all served by adorable children.

6906 Bronco Lane
Summerfield, 27358

7am - 2pm - RAIN OR SHINE

 JEWELRY - lots and lots and lots!

 This is our living room... and a small path!

 Boxes and bins... you never know what treasures you may find!

Baby gear, lamps, strollers, games, snow shovels, trees, and more!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I know I have to follow up about how we came to the decision to adopt.
But that will have to come at a later time.  Stay with me.

Right now, the all-consuming item in our life is the EPIC YARD SALE.
This Saturday.  At our house. 7am - 2pm.

It is quickly approaching.
We have already received donations from over 15 families
AND more are coming in this week!

Already, my sweet mom has come over twice for an all-day event of yard sale tagging.
Already, we have a team of volunteers lined up to help with Friday night set-up and Saturday morning sales.
Already, a darling friend is making shirts so we can all match.
Already, so many people have given.
Then... we hear it may rain. 60% chance. Ugh. Not good.

Oh dear friends... please pray.  Nothing is too big for our God... I recall many times when Jesus calmed the storms. Start praying that He will calm this impending storm, that He will hold back the rain with just a Word. Pray with me!

A few items have been too amazing to be only showcased at the yard sale.  Craigslist helped give them the exposure they needed!  Here are a few things that have come to our house... and are already gone (SOLD!)
(Yes, this is a GIANT High Heel Chair!  Sold in 12 hours!)

Fold away mattress - everyone should have at least one!  The man who bought the weight bench decided he needed one of these too! 

Thank you to all who have donated already.  

Please come to the sale and find something you can't live without! 

Check out our progress on GO FUND ME!